“One day as Jesus was walking along the shore of the Sea of Galilee, He saw two brothers - Simon, also called Peter, and Andrew - throwing a net into the water, for they fished for a living. Jesus called out to them, “Come, follow me, and I will show you how to fish for people!” And they left their nets at once and followed him.
Growing In Christ is the second stage of The Pathway at FBC. In this stage, you will develop a deeper understanding and belief in a personal God, the authority of Scripture, and what following Christ looks like. This stage is most often for those who…
are interested in expanding their understanding of God
want to take their newfound faith in Christ to the next level
desire to dig deeper into the core beliefs of the Christian faith
New Believer’s Bible, Tyndale Publishing & Greg Laurie
How To Follow Jesus: A Practical Guide For Growing Your Faith, Craig Springer
We believe that God has created each of us to engage in His mission in unique and specific ways. The SHAPE Course is not only an opportunity to explore how God has uniquely gifted & equipped you to serve within the church, but also a chance to find the perfect fit in one of the many serving teams at FBC.
Pursuing a life centered on Christ involves aligning every area of our lives with scripture and God’s teachings - this includes our finances. Financial Peace University is a 9-week program that explores God’s way of handling money and presents biblical, practical steps to get rid of debt, manage your money, spend and save wisely, and so much more. Follow the link below to learn more about Financial Peace University at FBC.
As you work your way through exploring the core beliefs of the Christian faith and what it means to be a Christ-follower, there are indicative behaviors and practices that reflect that deepening understanding.
Frequent reflection on Scripture
Daily prayer for guidance
As you come to a deeper understanding of God, the Christian faith, and what it means to be a Christ-follower, next steps will include…
taking the Discover Membership course
joining a small group
joining a serving team
Follow the links below to learn more
about the other stages of The Pathway at FBC.